KEEP COOLidge Poster

Check out my animated version of this 1924 Calvin Coolidge poster:

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Anecdotal Observations On History & Politics
Check out my animated version of this 1924 Calvin Coolidge poster:
Calvin Coolidge's popular 1924 campaign slogan "Keep Coolidge" was also turned into a song, a rendition of which is available here from Vermont Public Radio (his home state). Favorite lyric: "Calvin Coolidge is a man of action, not talk". That line was probably still an understatement, considering that his nickname was Silent Cal.
The 1924 election was rather uneventful since the financial boom of the roaring 20's overshadowed the scandals of Coolidge's predecessor, Warren Harding, and the Democrats had a difficult time uniting behind one candidate. In fact, the President didn't really have to campaign at all. A hard thing to believe in 2011.