Bob Dole Wasn't The Only Former Candidate To Be In A Pepsi Commercial

Former VP Candidate Ferraro. See my previous post on Dole here.

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Anecdotal Observations On History & Politics
Former VP Candidate Ferraro. See my previous post on Dole here.
President Gerald Ford dropped Vice President Nelson Rockefeller for Senator Bob Dole a full year before the 1976 general election after much deliberation. Disguised as a "decision of his [Rockefeller's] own," Ford was concerned that Rockefeller might cause him to lose support amongst the conservative wing of the party, thus threatening his nomination at the '76 RNC. It was a decsion that he later came to regret, as Thomas DeFrank reported in his 2007 book Write It When I'm Gone (which, to the consternation of his publisher, was originally titled Write It When I'm Dead). Saying he was, "embarrassed that I didn't tell the hard right-wingers that Rockefeller had done a good job and would be a good vice president for a four-year period," Ford bowed to the pressure from his cabinet.
What's more interesting is that it was his chief of staff at the time, Donald Rumsfeld, who pushed President Ford the hardest to replace the veep -- which DeFrank contends was namely because Rumsfeld hoped to replace Rocky himself. While Dole was an acceptable candidate, it was in his VP debate against Walter Mondale in which he crudely remarked that World War I, WWII, Korea and Vietnam were all "Democrat Wars":
While Ford survived a convention challenge against Ronald Reagan (who had previously run a low-key battle for the GOP nom against Nixon and Rockefeller in 1968 -- a little discussed fact), he would eventually lose the 1976 general election to Gov. Jimmy Carter. Confessing to his own "cowardice" in his memoirs, Ford's politically expedient move begs the question: is it ever prudent to drop a sitting vice president?
Descibing Viagra as a "great drug," Bob Dole became the TV and print spokesman for Pfizer in 1998, just 2 years after losing the 1996 presidential election to Bill Clinton.
NDole's original TV spots are rare on the internet, however the above illustrates the gist of the campaign, as well as the below:
Notice that the World War II veteran encourages his fellow American men to have "courage," presumably because Viagra is "worthwhile," but for many, Dole's bold declaration may have been too much information.
Dole jumped the shark when he signed on with Pepsi and his reputation as Viagra pitchman preceded him. The ad below was purposefully misleading, referring to his "little blue friend" that makes him "feel like a kid again":
Perhaps even more amusingly inappropriate was Pepsi's ad with Britney Spears in which Dole makes an appearance:
Is he referring to the dog?