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    Anecdotal Observations On History & Politics

    Entries in Oval Office (3)


    Obama's Nicorette Habit

    President Obama inadvertently revealed in a private conversation at the UN that he has, in fact, quit smoking. But does he still chew nicorette? He did as of August 2011, when the White House released this photograph, showing a piece of unopened nicorette in the oval office. Can you find it? See the video to zoom in:


    Final Recording of the Nixon Tapes

    8:45 PM July 12, 1973


    Oval Office Redesign

    Anyone who still favors the previous, more traditional, Oval Office design after President Obama's "earth-tone" makeover should enjoy Roy Lichtenstein's representation of the President's private digs above. The painting, apparently created in 1992, seems to depict the room as President Clinton's redesign would have it, with royal blue and gold contrasts. However the painting was completed the year before Clinton had officially moved in. Perhaps Bill took a cue from the famous pop artist?

    Curious as to what an Ikea Oval Office would look like? See here