Video: Greatest Political Naps

Congressman George Holding of North Carolina was caight by cameras taking a nap while presiding over the House - which inspired this motage of politicians sleeping. Cut for Hardball on 10/4/13:

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Anecdotal Observations On History & Politics
Congressman George Holding of North Carolina was caight by cameras taking a nap while presiding over the House - which inspired this motage of politicians sleeping. Cut for Hardball on 10/4/13:
Lending further credence to the saying that "politics is hollywood for ugly people," Andy Warhol's fascination with political figures extended well beyond first lady Jackie Kennedy.
1. Ronald Reagan (a 1950's ad, painted in 1985)
2. Maj. General Custer
3. Teddy Kennedy
4. Jimmy Carter
5. Lillian Carter (President's Grandmother)
6. Uncle Sam
7. Louis Brandeis (Supreme Court Justice)
8. JFK
9. Richard Nixon
Politico interviewed the Preppy Handbook and True Prep author Lisa Birnbach to discuss Washington's preppiest pols today. While she made the obligatory references to JFK, the Bush family and John Kerry, several new names were added to her prep list: Michele Obama, Olympia Snowe and Al Franken. Politico also ran an online poll with the article:
However, readers were obviously disappointed by the choices since 33% have chosen "none of the above". The reason? Maybe today's politicians have strayed too far from classic prep. No one dares wear a bowtie, khaki suit or seersucker -- or better yet, plaid: