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Entries in Nomination (3)


The Neverending Story

Just when we expected the nomination battle to wind down, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama defy the conventional wisdom. As John McCain becomes the presumptive nominee the Democratic fight is to be continued... and continued and continued.

Showdown in Texas and Ohio

Will Rabbe and Sarah Scully join up with the Clinton, Obama and McCain campaigns as the GOP ties up their nomination and the Democrats protract their struggle. Rabbe drops in on the Obama campaign, grilling top adviser David Axelrod about strategy and expectations while Sarah flies with Hillary Clinton between Texas and Ohio. Rabbe explains how the results affect the Democratic race while Sarah reports from McCain's official nomination victory party in Dallas.


South Carolina Republican Primary

Will and Sarah report form numerous locations in South Carolina on the GOP effort to win the elusive "southern vote," assessing the damage to the second, third and fourth place candidates as well as investigating underground negative attacks.

Featuring David Beasley, Mike Huckabee, David Brooks, Juan Williams