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    Anecdotal Observations On History & Politics


    Bill Murray as FDR in Hyde Park On Hudson

    The art direction of any history-based narrative film is expected to be top-notch. Judging by the promotional photos from Hyde Park on Hudson, it will be no exception. See how well matched Murray's pose matches Roosevelt's in the comparison below:


    Gerald Ford, President, Male Model: Vintage Cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine in Color

    President-to-be Gerald Ford worked as a male model in his late 20's and was featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan in April of 1942 in his Navy Uniform. Here is a color image of that cover of Ford and his girlfriend at the time, which was previously available only in black and white:

    Ford was not credited for posing for the illustration, but as luck would have it he met his future wife, Elizabeth Bloomer, while working as a model.

    Bonus photo: Gerald Ford campaigning on an elephant in Michigan shortly after the above cover shoot, in 1950.


    Election Night Coverage in 1948, '60, '68

    Watch the evolution of election night coverage from 1948 to 1968 -- including victory and concession speeches.


    Brushing Up On Swing State Recount Laws

    In preparation for Tuesday night, reporters, pundits and press may want to brush up on their swing state recount law -- below are the margins for automatic triggered recounts, margins required to request a recount and procedure for requesting a recount when no automatic or requested recount margin is written into the law.

    OHIO: Automatic recount if the number of votes cast for the declared winning candidate in a statewide election does not exceed the number of voted cast for the declared losing candidate by a margin of one-fourth of one percent or more of the total vote.

    VIRGINIA: A defeated candidate may request a recount of the votes if there is between any candidate apparently elected and any candidate apparently defeated a difference of not more than one percent of the total vote cast for the two such candidates.

    FLORIDA: If a candidate for any office is defeated by one-half of one percent or less of the votes cast for such office the board responsible for certifying the results of the vote shall order a recount of the votes cast with respect to such office. (Automatic Recount)

    COLORADO: An automatic recount of any election contest shall be held if the difference between the highest number of votes cast and the next highest number of votes cast is less than or equal to one half of one percent of the highest vote cast in  that election contest. Whenever a recount is not required and interested party (including a candidate who lost the election) may submit a notarized written request for a recount.

    IOWA: The board of canvassers shall order a recount if a written request is made by a candidate or any other person who received votes for the particular office in the precinct where the recount is requested not later than 5 pm on the third day following the canvass of the election in question.

    NEW HAMPSHIRE: Any person for whom a vote was cast and recorded for any office at a town election may, no later than the Friday following the election, apply in writing for a recount of the ballots cast for such office.

    PENNSYLVANIA: Three or more qualified electors in any general, municipal or primary election may file a petition for a recount by alleging fraud or error in the computation of votes cast for any office in an election district.

    WISCONSIN: Any candidate voted for at an election or any elector who voted on a referendum question at any election may request a recount. The petition shall be filed no later than 5 pm on the third business day following the last meeting day of the last board of canvassers.

    NEVADA: A candidate defeated at any election may demand a recount of the vote if within 3 working days after the certification of the vote the candidate files his demand in writing.