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    Anecdotal Observations On History & Politics

    Entries in Obama (14)


    Anti-Obama Obituary

    This man is trying to defeat Obama in 2012 from beyond the grave. See for yourself: 



    The Tea Party, FDR, Obama & the Constitution 

    While the Tea Party platform is still fairly broad and difficult to define, we've seen that it embodies countless themes including nativist sentiment, anti-Wall Street populism and the conflation of liberalism with socialism. However, it is apparent that the most common underlying theme is strict constructionism, which is essentially the belief that the constitution should be interpreted as closely to the original text as possible. Criticism of American political leaders on these grounds is hardly new, dating back to the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 when John Adams was President -- but long before the tea party and Barack Obama, there was FDR, who perhaps took more flack than any American President for reinterpreting of disregarding the constitution during his four terms. 

    Here are two fun anti-FDR cartoons, per the above, and a third that cleverly ties Obama to FDR:



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